SF Explorer parses your LWC contents to find JS Docs annotations, This information is then available in the UI. The content can be changed from this screen as well.
In the above example you can see in particular
- description => Description column
=> we generate a link in the Link Column to serve as a reference@todo
=> will populate the Todo column
Various features like filtering and grouping are available, for example
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
* Liste des contrats
* @see "Onglet Equipement" https://jira.atlassian.net/browse/XCC-71
* @todo "Redirection"
export default class Socle360EquipementDetailContrat extends LightningElement {
* Contrat
* @type {import('c/socle360DataService').Contract}
Compare Code
You can select 2 LWCs and compare them (works accross multiple orgs as well)