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Object Manager


The best documentation is the one you don't write

SF Explorer Object Manager retrieve the usage of your org objects and provide:

  • 1️⃣ Grouping and filtering based on the different exposed attributes (category, usage, record types...)
  • 2️⃣ API Name and associated documentation - a click on the API Name provide extra detail on the object
  • 3️⃣ Usage with associated percentage in org
  • 4️⃣ The number of custom fields
  • 5️⃣ Available permissions based on a given profile / list of permission set groups
  • 6️⃣ Sharing model

Each element listed above can be clicked to provide additionnal detail - see below


1️⃣ Grouping and filtering

The proposed vizualisation is just an example - you can use excel like feature to regroup, sort or filter your data

2️⃣ Object detail

Your salesforce model can be complex like the InsurancePolicy FSC object below.

Interactive graph

A node can be click to zoom on the associated object. A tooltip is also providing additional contextual information.

Note that the color of each node is associated to the selected profil/permission set group selected above (see 5️⃣ Object Permissions)


3️⃣ Nb records

Clicking on the number of record of a given object gives you a quick access to the query builder for you to search or compare records of that given object


4️⃣ Custom fields

Custom fields columns gives you information on the level of customization your object contains

5️⃣ Object Permissions

To ease the transition to permission set groups, SF Explorer let you pick a profile and a list of permission set group to view/compare/analyze the impact on your model.


Once picked you can review the impact on each object with the Permissions column.


6️⃣ Sharing model

When the sharing model is Private or Public Read Only, SF Explorer provide a quick access the associated sharing table by clicking on the sharing rule
